The price of fuel in North Sumatra rises, Governor Edy Rahmayadi blames Pertamina. Page all


JAKARTA, – The governor of North Sumatra (Sumut), Edy Rahmayadi, denied the statement of PT Pertamina (Persero) about the reasons for the increase in the prices of unsubsidized fuels in his area.

Previously, PT Pertamina (Persero) officially raised the price of unsubsidized fuel oil (BBM) in the North Sumatra (North Sumatra) region as of Thursday, April 1, 2021.

Pertamina argued that the price increase followed the increase in the motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) set by the North Sumatra provincial government.

In the Regulations of the Governor (Pergub) of North Sumatra, signed by Edy Rahmayadi, it was stated that the PBBKB increased from 5% to 7.5%. This caused the price of fuel in North Sumatra to rise by 200 rupees.

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Meanwhile, the PBBKB rate for the Special Fuel Allowance Type (JBKP) as Premium and Certain Fuel Types (JBT) as Bio Solar did not change.

Responding to the reasons given by Pertamina, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, stated that the increase in fuel prices had nothing to do with the Regulation of the Governor of North Sumatra that he issued.

“He (Pertamina) is deliberately looking for a boost. The increase in the price of fuel does not refer to Pergub. But Pergub adjusts the rules from above. The conditions for economic demands must be stable. It is wrong if Pertamina refers to Pergub to increase BBM, “Edy quoted from Compass tv, Saturday (3/4/2021).

Edy said it was Pertamina who determined the price of the fuel. Therefore, the North Sumatra provincial government must adjust one of them by issuing a Pergub.

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“Pertamina determines the price. So we have to make adjustments. Once the merchandise is increased, the Pergub must be renewed,” Edy said.

The former Bukit Barisan military commander admitted that he would first consult various parties if he could postpone the fuel price hike. He realized that rising fuel prices in the midst of a pandemic would make conditions even more difficult for people.

“We will consult it later. The policy is less populist, of course. Everything that goes up in such conditions is certainly less populist, but this country must live. But when Pertamina refers to Pergub? The price of Pertamina,” Edy explained.

The reason for Pertamine

Previously, Pertamina Sumbagut Regional CSR, Relations and Communication Unit Manager Taufikurachman said that Pertamina’s unsubsidized fuel price increase only applies in North Sumatra, also known as not in other areas of Indonesia.

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According to him, the increase in fuel prices only occurred in North Sumatra because the local government raised the rate of the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Implementation Guidelines (PBBKB) in North Sumatra.

The rate increase is contained in the Regulation of the Governor of North Sumatra (Pergub) Number 01 of 2021, which was signed by Edy Rahmayadi.

“Referring to the change in the PBBKB tariff set by the North Sumatra provincial government, according to the circular letter of the North Sumatra Province Regional Secretary, as of April 1, 2021, Pertamina has made adjustments of special fuel prices throughout the North Sumatra region, “Taufikurachman said in his statement.

In this regulation, there is a change in the PBBKB rate for unsubsidized fuel from the previous 5 percent to 7.5 percent in the North Sumatra region.

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In this way, the price of unsubsidized fuel in North Sumatra has increased by 200 rupees per liter.

Below are the latest details of Pertamina fuel prices in North Sumatra:

  • Pertalite from IDR 7,650 to IDR 7,850
  • Pertamax from Rp. 9,000 to Rp. 9,200
  • Pertamax Turbo from IDR 9,850 to IDR 10,050
  • Pertamine Dex from IDR 10,200 to IDR 10,450
  • Dexlite Rp 9,500 to Rp 9,700,
  • Non PSO Solar from IDR 9,400 to IDR 9,600.

“The public need not worry because Pertamina still ensures a safe fuel supply to meet people’s needs. We also urge the public to continue to use quality fuel in accordance with the vehicle technology designation,” Taufikurachman said.

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