Veiled Woman Pet 70 dogs protested and asked Hotman Paris for help



Hesti Sutrisno, owner of 70 dogs in Bogor Regency, West Java, asked senior attorney Hotman Paris Hutapea for help. This veiled woman experienced rejection from several local residents regarding her pet dog, Bunda.

So far, Hesti accommodates 70 dogs in one place that is on her private land. Regarding the rejection of various groups claiming to be local residents, Hesti requested legal assistance if the protests continued.

“So if there is legal assistance like Mr. Hotman Paris maybe or anyone, I ask for help later if it becomes a case,” Hesti said.

“I’ve been wondering that, I just don’t have a lot of money,” he continued.

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Hesti felt that her act of accommodating the dogs was not against the rules. The 41-year-old woman also mentioned that place. refuge your dog is away from residential areas. So how did Hesti take care of 70 dogs in refuge yours?


(ank / muf)
