A family is trapped at the toll gate for having to pay a fine, this is the response of the administrator of the page.


LAMPUNG, KOMPAS.com – Terbanggi Besar – Bakauheni toll road manager, Lampung, assessed the fine to Yanto’s family as an appropriate sanction, for violating toll road regulations.

Previously, Yanto’s family, who came from Pahoman, Bandar Lampung, was detained at the Sidomulyo tollbooth on Sunday (2/14/2021).

They were fined for entering the toll road using an electronic toll card for two vehicles.

Also read: Sitting in the case of a family group fined IDR 566,000 on the highway, the origin of the entry is not detected

The head of the Terbanggi Besar-Bakauheni toll road branch, Hanung Hanindito, said Yanto’s family was fined twice the farthest distance.

In this case, the Bakauheni – Kayu Agung toll road costs 555,000 rupees.

“If you cannot show the origin of the gate, you will be fined twice the furthest distance,” Hanung said when contacted on Sunday (2/14/2021).

Hanung added that the use of an electronic toll card for the two vehicles was the fault of the driver.

This is because it is a rule that a card is only for one vehicle.

“A card is only for 1 vehicle,” Hanung said.

Also read: Starting with a lack of balance on the card, a family cannot leave the toll, this is the story

As is known, the Yanto family, who had two vehicles, entered through the toll booth.

Yanto double-taped his card, because the second vehicle’s card ran out of balance.

According to Yanto, there were no officers or cargo balances at the toll booths.

Meanwhile, a transport observer from the Indonesian Transport Society (MTI) Lampung, IB Ilham Malik, said the incident should not have happened if the card had not been touched twice at the entrance.

“If you couldn’t double tap to get in before a knock came out, there would be no way that vehicles could get in with the double-tap scheme,” Ilham said.

Also read: A family is detained at the Lampung tollbooth because they cannot pay a fine of IDR 566,000

Ilham explained that double-tapping means the motorist is ready to pay twice, according to the toll rate standard.

“Also, it happened because there were no officers to help users buy balances,” Ilham said.

Ilham also highlighted the imposition of fines at twice the furthest distance for toll road users who violate this provision.

“You shouldn’t carry the longest distance to your tickets, but check the CCTV to find out where they come from, so you don’t look fake,” Ilham said.

Ilham said there was a lack of preparedness that resulted in toll road users being exposed to politics and without adequate technology support.

“It should be followed by technology readiness, administration and affirmative policies. The party managing the toll must assume that not all toll users are those who fully understand and follow the changes in the toll rate policy,” Ilham said.

“Therefore, toll road administrators must ensure that their policies are implemented when all technological devices can work,” Ilham said.
