Muhammadiyah youth warn GAR ITB, do not try to bother Din Syamsuddin


Friday, February 12, 2021-23: 19 WIB

Muhammadiyah youth warns GAR ITB, do not try to bother Din Syamsuddin -

Documentation: various scholars and figures after meeting King Salman at the State Palace. Among them are Din Syamsuddin, Ustad Yusuf Mansur, KH Hasan Abdullah Sahal (leader of the modern Islamic Gontor boarding school) and Hidayat Nur Wahid. Photo: M. Fathra Nazrul Islam /, JAKARTA – The Central Youth Leadership of Muhammadiyah (PP) gave a stern warning to a group calling itself the ITB Alumni Anti-Radicalism Movement (GAR ITB), which denounced Professor Din Syamsuddin to the State Civil Apparatus Commission ( KASN) on charges of radicalism.

The head of Law and Human Rights of PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah Razikin emphasized that the accusations against Professor Din were something absurd.

“The move by the GAR ITB group could provoke the ire of the Muhammadiyah members as a whole,” Razikin told on Friday evening (December 2).

The former president of the IMM DPP was also offended by the accusation that GAR ITB had against the general president of the PP Muhammadiyah for the period 2005-2015.

“Accusing Pak Din of being a radical figure amounts to offending and infuriating the Muhammadiyah cadres,” Razikin said.

According to Razikin, Din Syamsuddin is a former president of PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah and a former director of PP Muhammadiyah who has dedicated his life to promoting peace, tolerance and multiculturalism.

Therefore, he insisted that GAR ITB immediately withdraw its report and apologized to Professor Din Syamsuddin.

“We will give GAR ITB a chance before taking legal action,” said this graduate of the Master of Political Science from the University of Indonesia.



