Rembang –
A puppeteer who owns Padepokan Seni Ongko Joyo Rembang was found dead with his wife, children and grandchildren. The body of the victim was found by her maid who was about to cook vegetables.
The head of RT 4 / RW 1 Turusgede Village, Rembang City District, Sami, said the victim employed guard maids only for occasional cooking needs.
“This is her mother who can’t cook. This is Pak Bekti, she wants to order lodeh vegetables,” Mbak Suti said earlier. That’s why they called her here, “Sami told reporters at the scene on Thursday (2/4/2021).
“At 6 o’clock, then he knocked on the door, yelling, how come there was no sound. Then he came in, and he kept screaming before, ”he continued.
Sami said that the person who found the bodies of the four dead families was a servant named Suti. Sami himself admitted to knowing the incident after residents asked him to report to the police.
“The first time the maid knew it was the maid. This is the term for a maid. If you want to cook, you call them. The maid is not from here, but from Weton, ”he explained.
The identities of the four families who died were the puppeteer Anom Subekti (60), his wife Tri Purwati (50) and their son Alfitri Sayiditina (13) and their grandson Galuh Lintang Laras Kinanthi (11). Police suspect that all four died of abuse.
“For wounds, blood comes out of the face from the nose and uses it as a blunt object. For our reasons, we are still in depth,” Rembang AKBP Police Chief Kurniawan Tandi Rongre told reporters at the place.
“Because the incident was only a witness report at 0630 WIB, we visited the TKP at 0700 WIB. The motive is still under investigation, but the victim is the result of acts of violence or torture,” Kurniawan continued.
(ams / mbr)