Accompanied by Honors, the body of Captain Afwan was brought to the mourning house.



The body of Sriwijaya Air SJ182 pilot, Captain Afwan, was identified by the DVI team of the National Police. This morning, his wife and family collected the body of Captain Afwan at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital.

According to detikcom monitoring at 09.20 WIB, the family, including Captain Afwan’s wife, arrived at the Sriwijaya Air SJ182 Post Mortem Post, on Saturday (1/30/2021). They immediately sat down in front of the Mortem Post Command Post room. You can see that your group consists of 2 people.

Captain Afwan’s wife was seen wearing a white shirt, a black hijab and khimar the color of a forest. There was also a woman accompanying Captain Afwan’s wife.

Then there were 6 people from Sriwijaya Air who were also present to take over the body of Captain Afwan. They were seen wearing full pilot uniforms and their attributes to honor Captain Afwan’s body.

The wife collected the body of Captain Afwan from the Police Hospital.The wife collected the body of Captain Afwan from the Police Hospital. Photo: Wife collecting the body of Captain Afwan from the Police Hospital. (Karin-detikcom)

The body of Captain Afwan was sent to the funeral home at 0935 WIB. Before being dispatched, Captain Afwan’s body received a tribute ceremony by representatives of Sriwijaya Air to commemorate the services of the pilot Captain Afwan. Captain Afwan’s wife was seen crying in the moment of respect.

The body of Captain Afwan was taken by ambulance to the Police Hospital. Captain Afwan’s wife and family representatives also got into the ambulance.

Meanwhile, Sriwijaya’s Director of Operations Captain Didi Iswandy expressed his regret for Captain Afwan’s family. The return of Captain Afwan also brings pain to the entire Stiwijaya air bureaucracy.

“Innalillahi wainnailaihi roji’un returned to our friend Captain Afwan’s flight on January 9 SJ182 CKG-Pontianak. Allow me the bureaucracy representing Sriwijaya to convey deep sorrow to the grieving family,” Didi told reporters.

Didi also thanked the Indonesian National Police, the DVI team and all teams involved in the search for the bodies of the Sriwijaya Air SJ182 victims. “Let me take this opportunity today to thank the TNI Polri DVI team and all the teams involved in the search for Captain Afwan,” said Jefferson.

Didi, representing the board of directors of Sriwijaya Air, handed over the body of Captain Afwan to his family for the next funeral procession to be held at the Heroes’ Cemetery (TMP), Pondok Rajeg, Cibinong, Bogor around the 12:15 WIB.

“Please pray to Captain Afwan that he can be forgiven for all his mistakes and double the worship in the world to be placed by Allah SWT and for our family to always pray,” Jefferson said.

“Please pray that this procession runs smoothly,” he continued.

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