Jreng! Biden in action, officially rejects China in the South China Sea


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – United States (US) relations with China during the reign of President Joe Biden It looks like it’s going to be hotter. This time the government Biden officially declared rejecting Xi Jinping’s claim on the South China Sea (LCS).

This was revealed when the US Secretary of State. Antonio flash make a phone call with the Philippine Foreign Minister Theodore Locsin, Wednesday (1/27/2021). The Philippines is one of the United States’ allies at sea with China.

The State Department said flash, underscoring that the US rejects China’s maritime claims in the SCS. Also, because it exceeds the maritime zone that China can claim under international law.

“Foreign Minister flash pledged to support Southeast Asian plaintiffs in the face of Chinese pressure, “the US State Department was quoted as saying by Reuters on Thursday (1/28/2021).

Antony Blinken.  (AP / José Luis Magana)Photo: Antony Blinken. (AP / José Luis Magana)
Antony Blinken. (AP / José Luis Magana)

China claims almost everything LCS rich in energy and also a major trade route. Not only the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan are also tense due to the overlapping of these waters.

Washington accuses China of taking advantage of the disruption of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) to expand its presence in the SCS. The maneuvers of the Biden administration are increasingly giving the signal that the United States will not change its tough stance on China.

America’s relations with China have deteriorated under former President Donald Trump. Not only the SCS, Washington and Beijing are tense over China’s policies in Hong Kong, Beijing’s treatment of the Muslim minority in Xinjiang as well as commerce and technology.

Two weeks before his resignation, the Trump administration imposed sanctions on Chinese officials and companies for alleged provocations at the SCS. One of them is the Chinese oil company CNOOC.

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