After the death of the cleric Sheikh Ali Jaber on Wednesday (1/14/2021), it is now read that he had three wives, Mother. The news also appeared in a video containing about Sheikh Ali Jaber and those who had been married several times.
The family of the deceased immediately responded to this. Through Sheikh Ali Jaber’s assistant, Ustaz Iskandar, he clarified this and dismissed the news that Ali Jaber had three wives.
“There is a video of the da’wah broadcasting to his wife first, then an Arab wife in Indonesia, then his wife is a native of Indonesia,” Iskandar was quoted as saying. detikcom.
Ustaz Iskandar then explained how Sheikh Ali Jaber’s family journey during his lifetime, Bunda. He said that Sheikh Ali Jaber first had a wife named Umi Nadia, but they separated in 2012.
“The first Umi Nadia was a long time ago. Al Hasan is only now maybe 20 years old, that is, 20 years ago, Sheikh Ali was still young. But with Umi Al Hasan, Sheikh parted ways,” Iskandar said.
Moms, also see how to introduce religion to children in the video below:
[Gambas:Video Haibunda]
(AFN / som)