BLT for school children 3.4 crore rupees from Jan 7, come check: Okezone Economy


JAKARTA – The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) began to disburse social assistance in the form of Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) to the community. One of the recipients are students through the Family Hope Program (PKH).

The director of Family Social Security (JSK), Rachmat Koesnadi, said that it had distributed BLT to students since January 7, 2021. And it would be disbursed again in February and gradually.

Also Read: Criteria For Young Children Who Can BLT Rp3 Million

“We have disbursed all BLTs to students since January 7 and if a total of that year, SD can get Rp900 thousand, then one year high school students can get BLT up to Rp1,500,000 and BLT SMA can reach Rp2 million” Rachmat said in Jakarta on Monday. (12/1/2021).

He continued, this BLT has been distributed in 34 provinces and has been transparent. The reason is that the Ministry of Social Affairs has distributed according to the verified data.

Also read: Toddler BLT is distributed 4 times, check the schedule Yes

“We have verified this by updating the technology,” he said.

The BLT for students is distributed over a one-year term with 4 disbursement periods beginning in January, April, July, and October. The BLT can be cashed at government-designated state banks, including BRI, Mandiri, BNI, and BTN.

Regarding BLT, students are assigned based on their level of education. For primary school students (SD) Rp225,000. Then, for students of the first secondary school (SMP) of Rp375 thousand and the students of upper secondary school (SMA) of Rp500 thousand
