Wawan in Tegal digs his own burial hole, this is the family’s explanation


Tegal Regency

Wawan Febrianto (23) carried out an act of burying himself in a funeral complex in the city of Tegal, Central Java. After the incident, the mother gave a special about her son’s behavior.

Nurimah (50), Wawan’s mother, made a statement letter dated December 30, 2020 that was recognized by the RW president and the local village chief. In a statement letter made on December 30, 2020, Nurimah explained that since early 2020, Wawan left for Batam and returned home in August 2020.

Since his return, he has experienced mental disorders. Nurimah also revealed that her son had deepened certain knowledge without the teacher’s guidance. This caused Wawan’s mental condition to become more and more disturbed.

“Wawan often communicates without interlocutors, he often talks to himself,” Nurimah wrote in a letter received by journalists on Sunday (3/1/2021).

In addition to studying science without a teacher, Nurimah said in her statement that there was a hereditary factor from her father, who now passed away, who also suffered from mental disorders.

It was previously reported that Wawan Febriyanto (23) dug a hole in the cemetery of the city of Tegal, Central Java, then entered for burial in the Debong Kidul cemetery, district of South Tegal, city of Tegal, last Wednesday (30 / 12/2020).

Residents later discovered Wawan’s funny demeanor. After being persuaded, Wawan was finally evacuated and bathed. This incident was later reported to the South Tegal Police. The South Tegal Police Officer was escorted to his parents’ address in Kepandean, Dukuhturi, Tegal Regency.

When asked, the young man reasoned that he was digging a grave because he heard a whisper and wanted to return to his kingdom. He claimed to have died and God brought him back to life.

I go back to my nature (I want to return to my kingdom), “said Babinsa Debong Kidul, Darsim, imitating Wawan’s words shortly after being evacuated. Darsim was the one who managed to persuade Wawan to abandon his intention.

(Mbr / mbr)
