PR TASIKMALAYA – The executive director of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Marsudi Syuhud, responded to the controversy after the government dissolved the Front of Islamic Defenders (FPI).
Marsudi emphasized that the government is not anti-Islamic even though it has dissolved the social organization FPI.
“If it is anti-Islamic, there will be no other organizations. There are still many organizations, there are 80 Islamic organizations still operating,” Marsudi was quoted as saying. PikiranRakyat-Tasikmalaya.com of Antara.
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According to him, the government dissolved the FPI because it did not have a legal position as a mass organization.
On the other hand, he claimed that if the FPI had a legal position, he was sure that the mass organization would not dissolve.
He also agreed with the government’s reason for dissolving the FPI because it was considered to be against Pancasila as the ideology of the nation.
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So, he said, the dissolution of FPI was not because the organization led by Rizieq Shihab was based on Islam.
“Whether it is because of Islam or not, the others will also dissolve. There are many Islamic organizations that are only in age with Indonesia, some have been established before,” he said.