The SIM manufacturing and renewal fee may be free, why?


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The creation and renewal of driving licenses (SIM) may now be free for some people. The reason is that President Jokowibaru has just signed PP Number 76 of 2020 on the types and rates of state non-tax revenue (PNBP) that apply to the Indonesian police.

In the PB, fees for public services, such as the cost of making and renewing driving licenses (SIM) for the poor, can be free.

In Article 1 of the PP, which Jokowi signed on December 21, 2020, regulates that there are 31 types of PNBP that apply to the Indonesian Police. Types of PNBP include:

  1. Tests for the issuance of new SIMs
  2. SIM renewal issue
  3. Prove the issuance of a driving skill test certificate
  4. STNK issuance
  5. Issuance of motor vehicle test certificates
  6. Issuance of signs of number of motorized vehicles
  7. Issuance of motor vehicle number test certificates
  8. Issuance of BPKB
  9. Issuance of certificates for the transfer of motor vehicles to other regions
  10. SKCK Post.

The issue of free SIM rates is established in article 7. The article explains that the rate or rate of PNBP regulated in article 1 can be set at Rp0 or 0 percent.

“With certain considerations, the rate or type of non-tax state income referred to in article 1 can be set at Rp0 or 0 percent,” said the PP quoted on Saturday (2/1/2021).

The Clarification of Article 7 explains that ‘certain considerations’ include the implementation of social, religious, state activities and considerations due to circumstances beyond the ability to pay or force majeure conditions, as well as for the poor, students / students and MIPYMES.

The regulation adds a service that has free priority, namely the issuance of a Police Registration Certificate (SKCK).

Other provisions regarding the quantity, requirements and procedures for the imposition of free services are regulated in the Indonesian National Police Regulations.

Meanwhile, “The amount, requirements, and procedures for the imposition of a Rp0 or 0 percent rate must first obtain the approval of the Minister of Finance,” the regulation adds.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Roy / Roy)
