Mahfud MD: The Muslim Women’s Front can


Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD. BETWEEN / HO – Legal, Procedural and Institutional Relations Directorate of the Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs., JAKARTA – The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD did not prohibit the establishment of the Islamic United Front as long as it did not violate the law.

“It is possible. Establishing anything is permissible as long as it does not violate the law,” Mahfud said in a press release in Jakarta on Friday (1/1/2021).

Mahfud even mentioned a number of names that could be declared as organizations, such as the Islamic Enforcement Front, the Science Guard Front.

“The Muslim Women’s Front can, the Knowledge Guard Forum can too. The government will not take specific measures,” said the former head of the Constitutional Court.

Mahfud said that the establishment of the Islamic United Front was no different from the mass organizations in the previous government. As happened with the dissolution of the Maskhumi organization.

“Previously, Masyumi disbanded and then gave birth to Parmusi, PPP, DDII, Masyumi Baru, Masyumi Reborn, and so on, which is also fine,” he explained.

In addition, the PSI that was dissolved together with Masyumi also gave rise to mass organizations and their figures until now.

Later, the PNI merger gave birth to PDI and gave birth to PDI Perjuangan, Barisan Banteng Muda, etc.
