Killer of bank clerk arrested while with this person, unexpectedly


The perpetrator was secured with evidence at the Denpasar Police Headquarters. Photo: Marcell Pampur / Radar Bali, DENPASAR – Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Pol Jansen Avitus Panjaitan said the perpetrator of the murder of bank clerk Ni Putu Widiastiti was arrested while alone with his close friend who is transgender.

Putu AHP, 14, perpetrator of the murder was detained in Penimbangan port, Singaraja, on Thursday (12/31) morning.

“So we suspect that this perpetrator is having an affair with others. So at that point he met his friend who was obnoxious,” Kombes Jansen told the media team when revealing this case to the media at Denpasar police headquarters. Thursday (12/31) in the afternoon.

When asked if the perpetrator was gay, Jansen said he was still in depth.

“Still in depth. But at the time he was with his friends there,” he said.

Previously, Jansen explained, the perpetrator initially intended to commit a robbery at the perpetrator’s home.

At that time, the assailant initially observed the atmosphere of the home of the victim who lived alone at Jalan Kertanegara Gang Widura Number 24.

On Sunday afternoon (12/27), the aggressor left his pension which is located east of the victim’s house in the same alley. Then he began to monitor the situation.
