Medan residents send flowers to thank FPI dissolved


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

government banned all activities of the Islamic Defenders Front (REIT) in Indonesia after it was declared disbanded on June 21, 2019. The government also officially prohibited all Indonesian citizens from using the FPI attribute to participate in the organization’s activities.

Jalan Kota Medan also cheered up with flower boards to thank the government for dissolving the FPI. As in the Jalan Imam Bonjol area, in front of the DPRD North Sumatra and DPRD Medan buildings, there are hundreds of flower panels on the shoulder of the road with various words on it.

Based on the observation of the congratulatory flower board, it was also seen in the Medan Teachers Forum that they sent out a flower board with the words “Thank you government for dissolving the FPI.”

Meanwhile, the flower board of the Fatwa Guard of Ulama who provided the flower board with the words “Alhamdulillah, Indonesia is IPF free “.

Not only in Jalan Imam Bonjol Medan, there are also flower boards scattered in Jalan Balai Kota Medan, precisely in the area of ​​Merdeka Field, Medan. This flower board has been visible since the morning and continues to come from various communities and individuals of Medan residents.

The government is known to have dissolved and designated FPI as a prohibited organization. The dissolution of the FPI is contained in a Joint Decree (SKB) signed by six ministers and leaders of the institution. The decree was signed by the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Information Technology and Communications, the Chief of the National Police, the Attorney General and the Chief of the National Agency for the Fight against Terrorism (BNPT).

“So with this prohibition we don’t have Legal stay“For officials of the central and regional government, if there is an organization called FPI, it is considered non-existent and should be rejected because its legal status does not exist today,” Mahfud said at a press conference at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry of Political Affairs, Legal and Security, on Wednesday (12/30).

FPI in Surabaya

Furthermore, the FPI in Surabaya admits that it is still awaiting the leadership of the central board in Petamburan, following the dissolution and banning of the organization by the Indonesian government.

“We are still awaiting a statement from the center,” said FPI Surabaya Tanfidz acting chief Wahid Murtadho on Thursday (12/31).

Wahid said that all FPI officials in the regions are still awaiting instructions from the center, so his party has not been able to provide any response.

“So for the regions, we still can’t issue them statement or any statement. We are waiting for the center, ”he said.

He said he was holding a meeting to follow up on the dissolution of FPI. And then the FPI in the regions will follow the instructions.

(fnr / frd / asa)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
