An Islamic United Front appears, these are the people behind it: National Okezone


JAKARTA – The Persatuan Islam Front emerged after the dissolution and banning of the Front Pembela Islam (FPI) organization by the Indonesian Government.

Several people have declared the creation of the Islamic United Front as a replacement for the Islamic Defenders Front.

The statement of the Islamic Association Front is as follows, Habib Abu Fihir Alattas, KH. Tuberculosis. Abdurrahman Anwar, KH. Ahmad Sabri Lubis, H. Munarman, KH. Abdul Qadir Aka, KH. Awit Mashuri, Ustadz Haris Ubaidillah, Habib Idrus Al Habsyi, Ustadz Idrus Hasan, Habib Ali Alattas, Habib Ali Alattas, I Tuankota Basalamah.

Apart from that, there were also Habib Syafiq Alaydrus, Baharuzaman, Amir Ortega, Syahroji, Waluyo, Joko and M. Luthfi.

“Whereas all the leadership, members and supporters of the Islamic Defenders Front in Indonesia and abroad, for

“Avoiding unnecessary things and clashes with the tyrannical regime, we hereby declare that the Islamic United Front will continue the struggle to defend religion, the nation and the State in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution,” said one of the Munarman declarators in his written statement, Jakarta, on Thursday. (12/31/2020).

Munarman said that the joint decision through six government agencies that we consider is a form of diversion and obstruction of justice (obstruction of justice) to the murder of 6 members of the Islamic Defenders Front and a real form of tyranny against the people themselves. .

Read also: FPI dissolved, the Islamic front appears

“Considering that the Joint Decree of the Minister of the Interior, Menkumham, Menkominfo, Attorney General, Chief of Police and BNPT constitutes a violation of article 28E, paragraph 3) of the Constitution of the 1945 Constitution, of article 24 of Law No. 39 of 1999 on human rights and decisions of the Constitutional Court 82 / PPU-XI / 2013. That the right to organize is a human right that can only be reduced in an emergency, ”he explained.

Munarman added that based on Law no. 17 of 2014 jo. Not the US. 16 of 2017 Article 80, that the joint decision of six government agencies is not based on the law. This is due to the fact that article 80 only regulates the Ormas with legal personality, and also through the revocation of the legal status.

