Critics of Corona GeNose Check Tool, Weak with Cigarette-Petai


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

University of Indonesia (UI) epidemiologist Pandu Riono criticized this GeNose, a corona detectorCOVID-19) conducted by Gajah Mada University (UGM) has obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and is set to produce up to 5,000 units in February 2021.

According to Pandu, the state of GeNose is still in an experimental stage, it cannot be used in public services. He stated that what is meant by an emergency distribution permit that is only valid for one year can be canceled at any time.

“It still needs improvement and the correct validation test,” Pandu told, Monday (12/28).

Pandu admitted that he followed the statement of the president of the GeNose development team, Kuwat Triyana, who admitted that the GeNose tool was not optimal if the people who were tested smoked or ate spicy foods such as petai a jengkol.

Kuwat stated that alcohol consumption is prohibited one hour before the test. Second, patients can eat an hour before the test, but are advised not to consume foods with sensitive aromas such as jengkol, durian, and petai. Third, the patient is also not allowed to smoke an hour before.

According to Pandu, GeNose has a weakness when the mouth of the person being examined is contaminated.

“Are they all Indonesian smokers, addicted to eating petai so GeNose for what?” Pandu said.

Pandu also revealed that the idea for GeNose was not originally from UGM or Indonesia. Several countries, such as Singapore, have also carried out the same experiment, namely making a Covid-19 detection tool by breathing. However, these countries decided not to use it as a detection tool for SARS-CoV-2.

Pandu emphasized that the rapid antigen test or the PCR swab remains the most accurate Covid-19 detection tool in the world.

“So why do we glorify what turns out to contradict Covid-19? There are already antigens, PCR tests. In other countries there have also been experiments with GeNose, only they have decided not to use it,” Pandu said.

Pandu then suspects that the Ministry of Research and Technology currently only wants to compete to show achievements in front of the president regarding overcoming the corona virus pandemic in Indonesia. But sadly, it backfires.

According to Pandu, with GeNose’s weaknesses, the government should better focus on existing test kits and optimize 3T, that is, testing, tracking and treatment.

GeNose weak with cigarettes to Petai

The special staff of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Agency for Research and Innovation Ekoputro Adiyajanto admitted that smoking or eating spicy foods would reduce the effectiveness of the GeNose test.

“Therefore, PCOS is before detection with geNose, half an hour before the test, users or patients should not smoke, drink strong-tasting beverages such as tea or coffee, or eat spicy foods such as durian, petai, jengkol , “Eko said to

On that basis, to be safe, Eko hopes that users or patients will be advised not to consume anything half an hour prior to the Covid-19 GeNose test.

According to Pandu, Molekuer biologist Ahmad Rusdjan said that gas coming out of the mouth or breath for the GeNose test later is very sensitive.

“Yes, because this (breath) is gas. Because gas is also sensitive,” Ahmad told

The odors, he said, could have affected the results, so GeNose was unable to detect Covid-19 correctly.

“Well, for example, eat petai, does it matter? Then after lunch and hurry up to get tested. Or what about a person who is sick, Mag. That likes to burp, well that matters too,” he said.

He said that every tool used to diagnose disease must have limitations. But you have to know.

“So I don’t know much about the details of the tool. But this is pretty fast and unfamiliar. And there are a lot of studies like that (Genose), but I saw some commercials for the first time,” Ahmad said.

Currently, Genose has obtained a distribution license and is ready to produce up to 5,000 units in February 2021.

Genose is said to have the advantage of not taking long to detect the presence of Covid-19 in a person’s body. In less than five minutes, results can be obtained.

Genose will analyze volatile organic compound (VOC) particles that are released specifically for Covid-19 sufferers while breathing. In terms of its precision, the tool has a sensitivity of 92 percent and a specificity of 95 percent.

(from / DAL)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
