GeNose Covid-19 Detection Tool Receives Vehicle License, Corona Test Is Only Around IDR 25,000

[ad_1], YOGYAKARTA – The Covid-19 detection tool created by UGM experts, GeNose, has a distribution permit and is mass-produced immediately, accelerating the detection of people infected with Covid-19.

Chairman of the GeNose development team, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, said that the GeNose distribution permission from the Ministry of Health fell on Thursday (12/24/2020).

“Alhamdulillah, thanks to the prayers and extraordinary support from many parties, GeNose C19 officially obtained a distribution permit (KEMENKES RI AKD 20401022883) to start gaining recognition from regulators, namely the Ministry of Health, to help manage Covid-19 through rapid detection, “Kuwat said in a statement. UGM, Saturday (12/26/2020).

According to Kuwat, once the distribution permit is obtained, the team will deliver the GeNose C19, the mass production of the first batch, which is funded by BIN and the Ministry of Research, Technology / National Agency for distribution. They hope the limited number of GeNose C19 will give maximum impact.

“With 100 units of the first batch to go on the market, we expect to carry out 120 tests per device or a total of 12 thousand people per day. “The figure of 120 tests per device is based on the estimate that each test takes 3 minutes including taking a breath so that in one hour they can test 20 people and if it is effective the tool works for 6 hours,” he explained.

This hope can be realized if the GeNose C19 distribution succeeds. For example, at airports, train stations, and other crowded places, including hospitals. Including the BNPB that can be mobile approaching the suspect Covid-19. However, at this stage it is not possible to purchase GeNose C19 for personal use.

Kuwat also emphasized that after obtaining a distribution permit, the GeNose C19 will soon be mass produced. The team hopes that if there are 1,000 units in the future, it will be able to test up to 120,000 people per day, and if there are 10,000 units (based on the target at the end of February 2021), Indonesia will show the highest number of Covid-19 tests per day in the world, namely 1.2. millions of people per day.

“Of course, these are not just numbers like we all expect, but the ability to test both is expected to find people infected with Covid-19 without symptoms (OTG) and immediately take isolation or treatment measures so that the chain of spread Covid-19 can be cut off immediately. “Kuwat said.

To achieve this, five industries in the consortium have pledged to support, namely PT. Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri (mechanical part), PT. Hikari Solusindo Sukses (electronics and sensors), PT. Stechoq Robotika Indonesia (tire), PT. Nanosense Instrument Indonesia (artificial intelligence, electronics and aftermarket) and PT. Swayasa Prakarsa (assembly, licenses, standards, QC / QA, business).

He explained that later the test fee with the GeNose C19 is quite cheap, only around 15-25 lakhs. The test result is also very fast, lasting about 2 minutes and requires no reagents or other chemicals. Also, taking a test sample in the form of an exhalation of air is also more comfortable than a swab or cotton swab.

On behalf of the team, Kuwat also expressed his gratitude to all those who helped develop GeNose C19, namely the Ministry of National Education, BIN, Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Technology / LPDP, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Health, KemenPUPR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TNI AD and Police.

In addition, there were also 8 associated hospitals for diagnostic tests (RSUP Dr Sardjito, RSPAU Hardjolukito Yogyakarta, Bhayangkara Hospital Tk III Polda DI Yogyakarta, RSLKC Bambanglipuro Bantul, RST Dr. Soedjono Magelang, Hospital Bhayangkara Tk I Raden Said Sokarta Academ Jakarta Jakanto RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang), also to the Ministry of Health’s clinical trial review team, who have provided critical and constructive comments.

The Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Alumni, Professor Paripurna, said that GeNose is ready to commercialize, demonstrating the contribution of UGM to face the pandemic, as well as to keep the economy running and at the same time implement health protocols . Furthermore, this also shows the functioning of strategic partnerships and cooperation between universities, government, industry and society.

“This is a good job, as well as the realization of the UGM Scientific Technological Park as a bridge between universities and industry, as well as a research place for professors and students,” said Paripurna.

Paripurna also appreciated the attention of many parties to the development of GeNose, such as the President and members of the Board, the Minister of PUPR, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, BIN, RistekBRIN and other partners.

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