Promise of the new KP minister on lobster seed exports Page all


JAKARTA, – President Joko Widodo advised the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, that regulations related to the management of lobster seed exports can be evaluated to improve the performance of the national marine and fisheries sector.

“We will evaluate the fry issue (lobster seed export) because I love environmental sustainability,” said Sakti Wahyu Trenggono. Between, Friday (12/25/2020).

According to the former deputy defense minister, there are several messages from President Jokowi that need to be evaluated, one of which is related to the export of lobster seeds.

Trenggono believes that if the impact of lobster seed exports damages the environment, future generations will not benefit.

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He stated that he had dismissed the position of President Commissioner of PT Agro Industri Nasional (Agrinas), which obtained the export license for lobster seed.

Regarding the position, Trenggono said that the position was in the office because it is related to his position as Vice Minister of Defense.

PT Agro Industri Nasional (PT Agrinas) is a company formed by the Foundation for the Wellbeing of Education and Housing, to promote the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia to play a strategic role in the realization of food security, energy security and water security through companies in the fields of food crop production, fisheries production and bioenergy. , preservation, food distribution and food production technology.

For that, he said, the next deputy defense minister would replace the commissioner.

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In a separate location, the National Destructive Fisheries Oversight Coordinator (DFW) Moh Abdi Suhufan recommended to the new Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, to immediately conduct an assessment regarding the lobster regulations issued by the KKP.

“We recommend that you do a quick assessment of Regulation No. 12/2020 of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,” said Moh Abdi Suhufan.

According to Abdi Suhufan, the evaluation is important so that the tabulation of the problems related to the management of lobster in the country is clear so that the final decision-making is also objective.

He argues that if the results show greater damage, then lobster seed exports should stop and focus on domestic farming activities.

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As reported, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Tama S Langkun stated that lobster seed exports have problems from bottom-up to bottom-up aspects.

According to Tama, a series of upstream problems such as licensing, among others, are related to quotas and based on information from business actors that come to ICW, there are companies that meet the requirements but do not obtain export permits. .

From a downstream perspective, it continued, among others, the determination of a single cargo company to monopolize efforts to export lobster seeds.

Earlier, the secretary general (Sekjen) of the People’s Coalition for Fisheries Justice (Kiara), Susan Herawati, said that Trenggono must immediately revoke the problematic ministerial regulations.

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One of the Ministerial Regulations (Permen) that is considered problematic is Permen KP No 12 of 2020 on the Management of Lobster, Crab and Crab in the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Actually, we challenge the new minister to revoke the Permen problem, one of which is the lobster. Because there is a hotbed of corruption. We also know that from upstream to downstream, everything has elements of corruption,” Susan told

Susan said the new minister should focus on growing lobster seeds in the country, not exports.

“Don’t talk about lobster seed export first, we are pushing for it to be expanded. So it is better to revoke it first (Permen 12/2020),” said Susan.

Another ministerial regulation that is considered problematic is Permen KP Number 59 of 2020 on Fishing Routes and Fishing Equipment in the Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Area and the High Seas.

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The regulation regulates the division of sea lanes using fishing gear that is often said to be harmful to the environment, such as cantrang and dogol.

He also challenged the new minister to be able to fully position himself to support fishermen and women who have been in conflict zones due to the sale of islands.

Then, the new minister is expected to be able to follow the mandate of Law Number 7 of 2016 on Protection and Empowerment of fishermen.

“The KKP was born because there were fishermen. If then he (the new minister) could not defend sovereignty and well-being, he should not have become a minister,” he concluded.

Also read: Sepak Terjang Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Raja Menara who became the Minister of KP

(Source: Nurul Ulya | Publisher: Yoga Sukmana)
