There is a malignant variant of Covid-19, a powerful Corona vaccine?


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Research and Technology Ministry (Kemenristek) said that the mutation of the latest SARS-CoV-2 virus, also known as Covid-19, in the UK is not expected to have a negative impact on the effectiveness of vaccines currently many producers are developing in the world, including Indonesia.

Research and Technology Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the virus mutation has only caused the transmission rate to be higher.

“[Ada] your name receptor binding domain“Although the RDB is attacked, the RDB will not be interrupted so the vaccine will be optimistic despite this new variant,” Bambang said in a dialogue on Thursday (12/24/2020).

The director of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Amin Soebandrio, explained that viruses can easily mutate to adapt to their host. In this mutation, there are two possibilities, namely the virus becomes weak and dies or the virus becomes healthy and survives with the host condition.

Meanwhile, the mutation that occurs in the virus and is found in England causes the virus to adapt and causes it to infect the people around it more quickly.

“The vaccination so far, the mutations in protein S are not in the RDB. In this new mutation there are mutations in the RDB, but there are many points that have not changed the structure of the antigenic properties so far it has not disturbed the performance of the vaccine ”, he explained on the same occasion.

For that, the public need not panic and worry when responding to this new variant of the Covid-19 virus, but must remain vigilant. However, increased detection, response and prevention efforts are needed to prevent this virus from entering Indonesia.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Hello Hello)
