Official! These are the 6 priority groups for recipients of free Indonesian vaccines


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) officially issued regulations on the implementation of vaccination COVID-19-19 that regulates the start from the calendar to the vaccination stages for all Indonesians.

One of the concerns is which group is given priority to get the vaccine first.

Based on information on the site, Thursday (12/24/2020), this regulation is contained in Permenkes Number 84 of 2020 regarding the implementation of vaccines in the context of prevention Pandemic COVID-19-19.

This regulation was signed on December 14, 2020 by the Minister of Health Terawan AND Putranto before replacement or reorganization by the president Joko Widodo (Jokowi). As of Wednesday (12/23), Health Minister now Budi is in charge Gunadi Sadikin, replace Terawan.

Article 3 establishes: “Application of vaccination COVID-19-19 carried out by the Central Government. Central government in the implementation of vaccines COVID-19– 19 with the participation of the Provincial Council and Regency / Regional Government of the City. Implementation of vaccinations COVID-19-19 is free / free. “

Article 7 also establishes that jEnis vaccine COVID-19-19 that is used for the implementation of vaccination is determined following the development of science and technology, and has been included in the list of vaccine candidates COVID-19-19 or vaccine list COVID-19-19 dari World Health Organization (WHO).

Meanwhile, Article 8 outlines priority issues for vaccines.

It was indicated that the implementation of the Covid-19 Vaccination was carried out in stages according to the availability of the Covid-19 Vaccine.

“In the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination as mentioned in paragraph (1), the criteria for receiving the Covid-19 vaccine are determined on the basis of the study of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization and / or the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization of the World. Health Organization (SAGE WHO) “.

“The criteria for recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine mentioned in paragraph (2) are in accordance with the indications of the available Covid-19 vaccine.”

Based on the availability of the Covid-19 vaccine as mentioned in paragraph (1), the priority groups for recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine are determined as follows:

to. Health workers, health worker assistants, support staff working in health service facilities, Indonesian National Army, Indonesian National Police, legal officers and other public service officials;

second. Community / religious leaders, strategic economic actors, sub-district apparatus, village officials and ward / neighborhood units

C. Teachers / educators of PAUD/ TK, SD, SMP, SMA or equivalent / equivalent and tertiary institutions;

re. Apparatus of ministry / agency, apparatus of organization of the apparatus of regional government and legislative members;

me. People are vulnerable in terms of aspects geospatial, social and economic; and

F. Society and other economic actors.

Meanwhile, based on the criteria for Covid-19 vaccine recipients mentioned in paragraph (3), the Minister may change the priority group for Covid-19 vaccine recipients as mentioned in paragraph 4) after consider the recommendations of the National Advisory Committee of Experts on Immunization (Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization.) and considerations of the Committee for the Management of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the National Economic Recovery.

“Everyone can only register in one of the priority groups for Covid-19 vaccine recipients as mentioned in paragraph (4), “wrote Article 8.

Regarding Article 9, based on the availability of the Covid-19 Vaccine, the Minister establishes priority areas for the recipients of the Covid-19 Vaccine.

(2) The priority areas for Covid-19 vaccine recipients as mentioned in paragraph (1) are provinces / regencies / cities that have a high number of confirmed Covid-19 cases and provincial / regency / city areas with special considerations.

(2) The provincial / regency / city areas mentioned in paragraph (2) are determined based on the case data in the COVID-19 information system in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.

Information on this Permenkes can be downloaded here.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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