Gus Yaqut appointed to be Menag, this is the atmosphere of his home in Rembang



President Joko Widodo today inaugurated Yaqut Cholil Qoumas as Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. However, his residence at the Raudlatul Thalibin Islamic boarding complex in Rembang appears deserted.

Based on monitoring detikcom her home, which is at Jalan KH Bisri Mustofa No. 61 Leteh Village, Kota Rembang district, appears deserted. There is no outstanding activity in the area of ​​the house of about 70 square meters.

There were only a few motorcycles parked in front of his garage. The motorcycle is suspected to have belonged to the house guard Gus Yaqut.

The front door of the house also seems tightly closed. It includes a fence, which is slightly open, and the side door of the house that is open to passers-by.

Roni, one of the ndalem students, said that none of the family members of the occupants of the house were in the house. According to him, the residents of the house are currently in Jakarta.

“There are no people, all in Jakarta. Only I am there, and there is another one inside,” Roni told reporters when he was received in the courtyard of Gus Yaqut’s house on Wednesday (12/23/2020).

Next: The Hope of the Yaqut Family …
