Here is Sandiaga Uno’s strategy for the tourism sector and creative economy

[ad_1], JAKARTA – Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, finally presented by President Joko Widodo as the new Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday (12/22/2020) afternoon.

In his speech after being introduced, the former deputy governor of DKI Jakarta said that the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic was a major challenge facing all sectors, including tourism and the creative economy. In the midst of this challenge, he highlighted the need for a strategy so that industry players can develop.

“For us to continue with the development agendas in this sector to continue to open the widest possible job opportunities to bring prosperity to the people of Indonesia,” Sandiaga explained at a press conference.

One of the strategies that can be adopted, Sandi said, is innovation through the use of technology. Using either the big data approach or the current approach, he explained, it can be mapped both in terms of the potential and the strengthening of the tourism sector and its industry players.

“[Untuk] Survive and seize the opportunity to be a winner, “he explained.

The second strategy, Sandiaga continued, is an adaptation strategy. This strategy, he explained, was an option because currently people are facing the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a health problem.

For this reason, he explained, health and safety in every tourist destination and in each line of the creative economy are the most important aspects.

“[Strategi] the last thing, of course, is collaboration. We will collaborate with all parties, ministries, institutions, central government, local governments, academics, universities, as well as with communities and the business world. Friends of Kadin, friends of PHRI and all the associations that are members of this important sector ”, he explained.

Meanwhile, Sandiaga Uno will replace Wishnutama Kusubandio in the position of Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo announced the reorganization or reorganization of the Indonesian Maju cabinet at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday (12/22/2020).

At his press conference, Jokowi who was accompanied by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that he had decided to replace the ministers in various positions. President Jokowi reviewed a total of 6 ministerial posts. The inauguration of the new ministers will take place tomorrow, Wednesday (12/23/2020) in the morning.

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