Surabaya –
Police discovered a union to produce false rapid test results in Surabaya. How much does it cost to do this fake quick test?
“Sales of this fast cost 100 lakhs,” Tanjung Perak Port Police Chief AKBP Ganis Setyaningrum told reporters from Surabaya police on Monday (12/21/2020).
In this case, the police arrested three perpetrators. They are M Roib (55) and Budi Santoso (36), a resident of Pabean Cantik and Syaiful Hidayat (46), a resident of Bubutan. Roib is an employee of a travel agency, Budi is a passenger broker, and Syaiful is an honorary employee of a health center in Surabaya.
Crafting the fake rapid test results is a package with a passenger travel ticket.
This mock quick test, Ganis said, is used by prospective passengers to escape when boarding a ship to potential passenger destination areas such as Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.
Of the crimes committed by the three suspects, the police obtained several pieces of evidence, namely 1 stamp, 1 laptop, 5 cell phones, 1 printer, 1 ream of HVS paper, 10 sheets of rapid test results, and Rp. 5.7 million.
All three are threatened with being charged under article 263, paragraph 1) of the Penal Code, relating to the falsification of documents with threat of imprisonment of six years.
(iwd / iwd)