Risma and Susi Pudjiastuti enter the remodeling cabinet, are they suitable?



JAKARTA – Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini and former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti considered fit to enter the ranks of the minister if remodeling kabinet led by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

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The political observer from Pelita Harapan University, Emrus Sihombing, assessed that Risma was right to replace Juliari Batubara as minister of social affairs (idiots). “By the way, he is a PDIP cadre. But I see a figure, not a party background,” Emrus Sihombing said. SINDOnews, Sunday (12/20/2020).

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Emrus gave an example that Risma managed to shut down the Dolly Gang prostitution location without issue. “He manages not only that it is eliminated, but he manages all the people who work there. So they have a high conscience, which means that Ms. Risma is someone who cares about social problems, ”he said.

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So, he said, Risma was a very simple person and did not keep his distance from people. As the mayor of Surabaya, Emrus sees Risma totally serving the people. “It changed the work culture of officials in Surabaya from being little kings to a culture of service,” he said.

Therefore, it assessed that Risma was able to solve the problem of social assistance (Bansos) in the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), as well as build the character of public officials in the Ministry of Social Affairs. In addition to Risma, Emrus considered Susi Pudjiastuti suitable to once again perform her duties as Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries replacing Edhy Prabowo.

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“I think Ms. Susi Pudjiastuti is pleased that, for the nation and the state, she has the courage to be tough and has a program to catch the fishing boat,” said the Executive Director of the Emrus Corner Institute.

Emrus assessed that Susi Pudjiastuti was not seeking power. Because Susi is considered to have finished with herself. “But for the good of the nation and the state, when the state calls through the president, I believe that Susi Pudjiastuti as a statesman will definitely accept it for the good of the nation and the state,” he concluded.

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The cabinet shake-up issue was strengthened again after two ministers from the Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin government were caught in a corruption case and languished in the holding cell of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This incident strengthens the argument for urging a cabinet reshuffle in addition to the reasons for the performance of various ministers. memble.

