US Vice President Has Been Injected With Pfizer Vaccine, President Elect Joe Biden Will Be Tomorrow


WASHINGTON DC, – Vice President of the United States (USA) Mike Pence received an injection of the Covid-19 vaccine that was broadcast live on television on Friday (12/18/2020).

Launching AFPWhile Pence is vaccinated, US President-elect Joe Biden will receive the vaccine on Monday.

“Developing faith in the vaccine is what brought us here this morning,” Pence said after being injected, joking, “I don’t feel anything.”

Also read: Broadcast live on television, US Vice President Mike Pence receives the Covid-19 vaccine

His wife, Karen Pence and prominent US public health officials and Surgeon General Jerome Adams were also vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the White House pavilion.

Due to the importance of the event, senior CDC officials and directors, Anthony Fauci and Robert Redfield, were also present.

The only high-ranking “Uncle Sam” state official who did not attend the vaccination process was Donald Trump, the president of the United States.

Also read: The US government has made Moderna the second Covid-19 vaccine after Pfizer

Trump has made clear before that he does not plan to get vaccinated anytime soon, citing the belief that his short but severe recovery from the Covid attack has given him immunity.

“You will get the vaccine as soon as your medical team determines which is the best. But your priority is frontline workers, those in long-term care facilities,” said White House press secretary Kayleigh. McEnany.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in Congress, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, were also vaccinated on Friday.

Also read: Head of Vaccine Operations Trump admits mistakes in distribution problems

Pelosi cited the “belief in science” while receiving the injection at the US Capitol, adding that the wearing of masks and social distancing should continue while the vaccines are distributed.

Meanwhile, McConnell said, “Vaccines are how we defeat this virus.”
