A woman, M (39), suspected of a porn video, the director of PDIP Pangkep, South Sulawesi, Abd Rasyid, recorded a video of the two having sex. Police said M recorded a video on the orders of the SAR suspect, who is a member of the Council.
“Perpetrator mode is based on legal facts that perpetrator M made a video with a duration of 12 seconds using hand phone their possession was under the orders of the SAR officers, “Pangkep Police Chief AKBP Endon Nurcahyo told detikcom, Saturday (12/19/2020).
AKBP Endon said that suspect M when filming the porn video he did so in secret, aka Abd Rasyid did not know him as the male actor in the porn video.
“(The video was recorded) without the AR reporter noticing,” Endon Nurcahyo said.
Endon has yet to further reveal what the SAR suspect or DPR member’s motive was for ordering Suspect M to film the pornographic video. He only mentioned personal reasons.
“(The reason) seems to be personal, personal. I can’t explain it, maybe it’s more personal,” Endon said.
As a result of their second act, suspects M and SAR were caught by the police with Article 45 Paragraph (1) on the whole Article 27 Paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).
“The threat of a 6-year prison sentence or one billion rupees,” he said.
See the full story on the next page.