JAKARTA – High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab is quite capable of escaping the slavery of the case that happened to him. This depends on several factors, one of which is evidence.
“It depends on how strong the evidence prepared by the investigator is,” said Fachrizal Afandi, executive director of the Center for Research Development of the Universitas Brawijaya Criminal Justice System (Persada UB), when contacted by Sindonews on Saturday (19 / 12/2020).
Habib Rizieq can also be released from his legal bond before trial. Currently Habib Rizieq through his team of lawyers has presented a preliminary test. And the South Jakarta District Court (PN) has scheduled an inaugural pre-trial hearing to be held on Monday, January 4, 2021.
“You can (before the trial),” he said.
If Habib Rizieq’s Legal Counsel can prove before the Judges Panel that his client is innocent and the Judges Panel grants the preliminary judgment. So that Habib Rizieq can be freed from the trap of his case.
“If HRS legal counsel can cancel the suspect’s status from HRS before trial. Then the investigator should be SP3,” he said.
Previously, the Legal Assistance Team of Habib Rizieq Shihab, who was also the Legal Assistance Secretary of the DPP of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Aziz Yanuar, revealed that until now his party was still working on materials that would be brought to the pre-trial phase.
“We are still working on that,” Aziz said when confirmed, on Saturday (12/19/2020).
Aziz stressed that his party would do everything possible to win the lawsuit. For Habib Rizieq Habib Rizieq’s status as a suspect to die and not be detained as he is today.
“We do something sincerely and wholeheartedly, the issue of results is not our concern,” he said.
As is known, Investigators from Subdit I of the Polda Metro Jaya Military Criminal Investigation Directorate officially detained Rizieq on Sunday morning, December 13, 2020. Habib Rizieq was taken into custody around 12:22 p.m. WIB after undergoing an examination for 13 hours.
In this case, Rizieq was charged with articles 160 and 216 of the Penal Code. Article 160 of the Penal Code contains the incitement to violence and non-compliance with legal provisions, with the threat of six years in prison.