The cost of the antigen test is set at 250 lakhs, in violation of the sanctions!


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government has set the highest price for rapid antigen testing at Rs 250,000 for the island of Java and Rs 275,000 for outside of Java.

This rule applies to all health facilities, namely public and private hospitals in Indonesia. If there are health facilities that are still ‘stubborn’ in setting them higher, there will be penalties that will be applied.

“Of course, the sanctions are measured, from the notification, then the call to follow the steps related to the granting of licenses and we will adjust it according to the severity of the violation,” said the secretary of the General Directorate of Services Health Ministry, Azhar Jaya, at a joint press conference with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). and the Development and Financial Supervision Agency (BKPP) at the BPKP office, Jakarta, on Friday (12/18/2020).

The statement is to anticipate the existence of health facilities to set prices more than that. The Ministry of Health and BPKP assess that pricing has had many components, ranging from administrative costs, antigen components, healthcare workers, and others, including reasonable benefits that hospitals or clinics can obtain.

“Since December 18, 2020, the Government has issued a Circular on the highest rate limit for rapid antigen tests, so that hospitals and private clinics must follow this policy. And for that, the Health Offices Provincial, Municipal and District should provide guidance on the application of the higher rates. They should be deployed and follow this SE, “said Azhar Jaya.

The community also needs to monitor its implementation in the field, that is, following the highest price rules in Java and outside of Java. Both have different values, because they consider the distance factor and the distance of the trip.

“Outside of Java, we are considering an additional link in the chain that is needed, for example delivery considerations, of course Papua and Jakarta and Banda Aceh prices are different,” said the Director of Defense Oversight and BPKP Security, Faisal.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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