Rahma Sarita admits she quit before being fired after ‘Pancasila Wakanda’



Rahma Sarita was reprimanded and fired by the leadership of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) as a personnel expert after Wakanda’s version of the Pancasila incident on social media. Most recently, after apologizing, Rahma Sarita admitted to quitting first, Mother.

Rahma Sarita admitted to having informally resigned from MPR Vice President Lestari Moerdijat before the dismissal letter against him was made public. Initially, Rahma Sarita explained that he had been reprimanded because his charges were deemed inappropriate as expert personnel of the MPR RI. He then resigned after the ‘Wakanda version of Pancasila’ incident.

“So before, I had been warned several times because the posts were not suitable. So actually I wanted to stop. Then the last one (Pancasila Wakanda post). I finally resigned but through WA. A few days later the letter circulated”, Sarita said, quoted from detikcom.

Rahma Sarita revealed that he sent a message about his resignation informally through the WhatsApp (WA) application. He conveyed his intention to resign from the MPR leadership expert staff position to MPR Vice President Lestari Moerdijat and the MPR WA group expert team.

“For Ms. Reri (Lestari Moerdijat) already through WA. For the group also, so 2 times. As I was in the group, I was Ms. Reri. As she admonished me in the MPR group, it was the knowledgeable MPR staff, “said Rahma Sarita.

Rahma Sarita also briefly explained to Lestari Moerdijat that the upload of ‘Pancasila’s version of Wakanda’ was her personal opinion. According to him, Lestari Moerdijat had opposed the charge because it could be linked to him.

Read the rest on the next page, yes, Bun.

Also, watch the warning video on the dangers of sexual content on social media if a child is accidentally exposed:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]
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