Appreciating the sincerity of President Jokowi


ME I was touched by the sincerity of President Joko Widodo, who was willing to volunteer to become the first Indonesian citizen to be sincerely injected with the Corona vaccine.

Also read: Jokowi will be the first person to receive the Covid-19 vaccine


Your sincere intention is very noble to demonstrate to all Indonesians that the Corona vaccine is safe. A sincere spirit of sacrifice means noble humanity.

However, as an Indonesian who has been friends with Joko Widodo since he was Mayor of Solo, I humbly ask President Jokowi not to allow himself to be the first Indonesian citizen to be injected with the Corona vaccine to demonstrate the safety of the Corona vaccine.

God willing, the coordinating ministers and all the ministers, especially the Minister of Health, as the main assistants to the president, also do not allow the president to sacrifice himself just to show all Indonesians that the Corona vaccine is safe.

The history of medical science has shown that vaccine clinical trials take a minimum of two years to ensure that the vaccine is completely safe in the sense that it does not cause any negative side effects.

Clinical trial technology

At a time when human rights have been prioritized by the United Nations, vaccination experiments against humans have been unjustified violations of human rights.

Especially now that clinical trial technology has made it possible to conduct experiments in biomecular laboratories based on computer simulations of robots with human-like metabolism.

However, robotic vaccine experiments also take a long time to demonstrate the safety of vaccines.

So, you shouldn’t do a Corona vaccine test on a president who is loved by all his people.


It is more prudent if the Indonesian people are willing to be patient and wait for the WHO, as the UN health agency, to provide official assurances that the Corona vaccine, which will be given free to all Indonesians, is completely free from all. the dangers of the risk of negative side effects of vaccination.

After being based on the principles of health science, it has been shown to be truly safe, then by official recommendation of the WHO and the BPOM of the Republic of Indonesia, a vaccine that is guaranteed to be safe is fair and equitable and without coercion it is offered to all Indonesians so that all Indonesian citizens are immune to the wrath of the Corona virus. Independent!
