Jokowi’s three potential periods with Prabowo Subianto


Jakarta, – Indo Barometer CEO M Qodari relayed his views on the political dynamics in 2021 after the completion of the 2020 simultaneous regional elections that took place in 270 regions of Indonesia on December 9, 2020.

One of the possible extraordinary scenarios proposed by Qodari is the duet of Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. Jokowi has the possibility to serve as president for three terms with Prabowo through amendments to the 45th Constitution.

Answering questions from the moderator about the political dynamics of 2021 in webinar Indonesian Foreign Policy Community (FPCI) entitled “Indonesia Economic and Political Outlook 2021”, on Thursday (12/17/2020), Qodari assessed that conditions would be safe because there were no major political events such as the simultaneous regional elections in 2020.

According to Qodari, it is possible that in 2021 there will be discussions on the revision of the Pilkada and Electoral Law by the DPR, in which the topics to be discussed include the possibility of another regional election in 2022 and 2023.

“Particularly for medium and small parties, but in my opinion big parties like the PDIP, then Gerindra and Golkar can reject it,” he said.

The rejection of the 3 parties, Qodari said, was on the condition that they already have a plan or agreement on a political design for the next presidential election in 2024.

“What is political design, there are several possibilities, including ‘extreme’ or extraordinary possibilities,” he explained.

Qodari explained, there are at least two extraordinary possibilities.

First, it is possible that Joko Widodo is running for president for the third time, but this time with Prabowo Subianto as his vice president. “Of course this requires amendments to the 1945 Constitution,” he explained.

Second, Qodari continued, Prabowo ran as a presidential candidate with the PDI-P deputy.

“The possibility of the first scenario happening is to create political stability while avoiding terrible elections like the previous Presidential Election that gave rise to the Cebong and Kampret dichotomy,” he explained.

Qodari assessed that the figures of Jokowi and Prabowo were representations or symbols of grouping in Indonesian society, so at the time of the 2019 presidential elections the term tadpole and Shells which has survived until recently.

If the two join forces, there will be no dichotomy between “tadpoles” and “hooligans” in the next election, added the UI psychology graduate and master of government science at the University of Essex, England.

“That is why such a possibility could arise, that is, in the interests of maintaining stability and avoiding the terrible presidential elections where there were divisions such as ‘tadpoles’ and ‘kampret’ in the 2019 presidential elections,” the moderator concluded.

