Haikal Hassan Facts Polished After The Story Of ‘Dreaming Of Finding The Messenger Of Allah’



Haikal Hassan | is the general secretary of the Habib Rizieq Shihab Center (HRS). Haikal was informed Polda Metro Jaya about the story that he dreamed of meeting Rasulullah SAW.

Dr. Ust. Ahmad Haikal Hasan is a religious leader who actively lectures. He is also one of the most popular religious leaders and often preaches through social media like YouTube and Twitter. So why was Haikal Hassan polished?

1. Report of Hussein Shihab

Hussein Shihab denounced Haikal Hassan at Polda Metro Jaya on Monday (12/14/2020).

In the official report number LP / 7433 / XII / YAN.25 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ, Haikal Hassan was denounced on charges of incitement to hatred through ITE and Blasphemy of religion and spreading false news that could cause an uproar to the Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law refers. and article 156 letter to KUHP and / or article 14 and article 15 of Law no. 1 of 1946 on the Criminal Law Regulations.

According to Hussein Shihab, Haikal Hassan lied by claiming that Rasulullah SAW would visit the Laskar family of FPI.

2. Statement of Hussein Shihab

In this case, Hussein Shihab also gave a statement. Yes, yesterday the Prophet’s dream was reported. He said yesterday that all the people who were in his lecture for a few minutes said that all those who mourn were visited by the Messenger of Allah. That is the context there, of the narrative of a prayer we believe already exists. It is false news. Because it is impossible for all who mourn to be accompanied by the Prophet, “said Hussein Shihab, as the reporter, when contacted by reporters, on Tuesday (12/15/2020 ).

Hussein Shihab said this was broadcast when he gave a lecture at the funeral of 6 FPI Laskar who were shot dead by police in Megamendung, Bogor.

3. Missing Twitter account

The user can no longer see the Twitter account @haikal_hassan. This has happened since last Friday (11/12/2020). “This account does not exist. Please try to find another one,” reads Twitter.

No other information from Twitter. It is quite different from the DPP FPI account suspension case, where Twitter provided a link to the user manual due to a violation of the rules. This time it is simple and without any information.

4. Opinion of the Deputy Head of MUI

Regarding the case that happened Haikal Hassan |, Also opined the general leader of MUI, Anwar Abbas.

“My question is, how can people’s dreams be polished? Is it the police’s job to look after and secure people’s dreams as well?” Anwar told reporters on Tuesday (12/15/2020).

According to Anwar, someone could dream of meeting the Prophet Muhammad. Because this is the wish of everyone, including himself.

That way, according to Anwar, there is no need to make a fuss. He admitted that he had not only heard someone meet Prophet Muhammad in a dream just once.

“If Ustaz Haikal declared that he had a dream of meeting the Messenger of Allah, then how come we made a fuss? Alhamdulillah. He could dream of meeting the Prophet,” he said.

(language / friend)
