Haikal Hassan polished by dreaming of meeting the apostle


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Spokesperson for the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 Haikal Hassan | informed the police regarding his statement claiming to have complied Rasulullah SAW in dreams. The reporting party is concerned that this issue will become a political tool against the State.

The report was made by the secretary general of the Islamic Forum of Struggle Husin Shahab to Polda Metro Jaya on Monday (12/14).

“Yes, there was a report last Monday,” said the president of the Islamic Struggle Forum, Gus Rofi’i, when contacted on Tuesday (12/15) evening.

Rofi’i said that someone who dreams of meeting the Prophet should not be told. Because it also has the potential to cause slander.

“It can cause slander, raises pros and cons, because, because we do not know what the prophet’s face was like, what his voice was like, I know, “he said.

Furthermore, Rofi’i said, the statement about his dream was relayed by Haikal speaking at the funeral of six FPI Laskar members who were victims of clashes with the police.

He is concerned that Haikal’s declaration will be politicized by political interests or certain groups.

“For the sake of politics, for the interests of his group, he then reasoned that he dreamed of being visited by the Prophet like this,” he said.

“For something positive anyway passable“But if the reason is for the interests of fighting against the state, for example, exploiting the subject of dreams before, what danger,” he said.

This report is received as number LP / 7433 / XII / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ dated December 14. The informant, namely Husin Shahab and the accused are the owners of the Twitter accounts @wattisoemarsono and Haikal Hassn.

The reported cases were criminal acts of spreading false news and blasphemies that caused confusion and hatred Article 28 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 relative to ITE and / or Article 156 letter a of the Penal Code and / or Articles 14-15 of Law Number 1 Year 1946 on Criminal Law Regulations.

Furthermore, Rofi’i said that he had given 3×24 hours for Haikal to apologize for his statement, starting on Tuesday (12/15).

“But if Ustadh Haikal Hassan does not want to correct himself, then this report must continue,” Rofi’i said.

Haikal Hassan’s statement at the funeral of the six FPI Laskar members was uploaded to Front TV’s YouTube account. The 19:05 minute video is titled ‘Funeral Greetings and Prayers for IB-HRS, UBN, BABE HAIKAL IN SYUHADA.’

In the video, Haikal initially talks about his two sons who have died. Haikal said: Rasulullah then approached him and told him that his two sons had been with Rasulullah.

“Rasulullah conveyed to me directly in my dream with his words, don’t be afraid, Rasulullah said, ‘Umar and Salma, with me’ said Rasulullah,” Haikal said in the video.

(dis / arh)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
