Why do the Arab states now officially recognize Israel? Page all


KOMPAS.com – The Kingdom of Morocco is the latest Arab country to officially normalize relations with the Jewish state, Israel.

The relationship “under the table” between the two countries has been detected and has become an “open secret”.

Morocco had liaison offices with Israel in their respective capitals until 2002, when Rabat closed them in the middle of a second Palestinian intifada.

However, contact between the two countries has continued and now, officially, King Mohammed VI has cut diplomatic relations with Israel.

Also read: The United States sold 14 trillion rupees in arms to Morocco a day after normalizing with Israel

This was done in exchange for Washington’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara. Something that the UN says is not part of Moroccan territory.

Launching Australian Institute of Strategic Policy (ASPI), a think tank based in Canberra, Australia and partially funded by the “Kangaroo Country” Department of Defense, here are the reasons behind the normalization of relations between the Arab countries and Israel.

Also read: Morocco agrees to normalization with Israel, Trump: a breakthrough

From the UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the first Persian Gulf country to embark on a formal normalization phase with Israel. Standardization takes place in various fields such as security and technology.

It then followed Bahrain, the authoritarian Sunni dynasty that controlled most of the Shiites. One of the reasons Bahrain surpassed the United Arab Emirates was to buy “guarantees” from Israel and the United States against Iran.

With US military involvement on all fronts of the Middle East conflict, the Gulf kingdom increasingly regards Israel as its protector of Iran.

Also read: Formal Israel-UAE Collaboration Named Historic, Palestine: Shame

Furthermore, Bahrain is dependent on Saudi Arabia (since the rescue of the Bahraini monarchy from overthrow during the Arab Spring of 2011).

Knowing the normalization of relations between the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain and Israel, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) met with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, together with the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo .

From that meeting also emerged a permanent agreement between the Saudis and Israel on Iran, in which the two countries regard Iran as their main threat.

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The move was based on the Saudi desire to signal to Iran that Riyadh would not be alone if it confronted Iran in the future, even if the United States was not directly involved in their dispute.

Furthermore, MBS also wanted to dispel suspicions that the pro-Israeli US Congress had criticized him for being the mastermind behind the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist working for the US media.

After Bahrain, after Sudan. Countries that have just announced the separation of religious rules from the state after the fall of their corrupt and authoritarian government.

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Sudan, which is trying to get off the US blacklist with other political interests, has finally built diplomatic relations with Israel.

The decision clearly made Sudan more trustworthy and outside of US sanctions, easier to trade globally.

Israeli victory

According to the analysis ASPIIsrael’s success in establishing diplomatic relations with 4 Arab countries so far means that some Arab regimes no longer consider the Palestinian question important.

It also suggests that the open “sale” of Palestinians no longer affects their legitimacy within their respective countries.

Still, this diplomatic victory was not a breakthrough for Israel as many Western analysts have assumed.

Also read: Saudi Arabia: As long as Palestinian sovereignty is granted, normalization with Israel may occur

In many cases, diplomatic is just like a formal relationship of a relationship that has been going on for years or even decades, without publication.

Two clear patterns have been observed in each successive recognition of Israel by Arab countries in recent months.

First, the United States plays a key role as an intermediary, selling weapons and fulfilling other demands related to its interests.

Second, hostility towards Iran, especially in the Gulf, is the most important thing to boost the formal diplomacy of the Arab countries with Israel.

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Additionally, Joe Biden, who was elected president of the United States, plans to revive the Iran nuclear deal after the United States abandoned the deal in 2018 under the leadership of Donald Trump.

Based on that, it is not surprising that after Biden is appointed, Saudi Arabia establishes diplomatic relations with Israel.

His analysis is that, with Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth and its position as ‘protector’ of the 2 holiest Islamic sites, it is possible for Israel to challenge Biden’s attempts to revive the nuclear deal and normalization between the United States and Iran.

Israel clearly feels “stronger” if it opposes Biden’s efforts to join hands with Saudi Arabia because the burden will be greater than each country acting separately.

Also read: Israel is ready if Trump attacks Iran before leaving the White House
