This is the motive of the four suspects who threatened to cut Mahfud Md



The police arrested four suspects of hate speech who released a video threatening to cut off the head of the coordinating minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud Md, if he returned to Pamekasan, Madura. What is your motive?

East Java Regional Police Director of Criminal Investigation Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan revealed that the suspects claimed to have a motive for distributing this video because they were supporters of Habib Rizieq Shihab.

“The reason for their statement is that they are sympathizers of the mass organization (FPI),” Gidion told the East Java Regional Police Headquarters, Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya, on Sunday (12/13/2020).

Gidion said this motive was known from the direct confessions of the four suspects.

“So in the group, I don’t give a perception, but I give the fact that the group is called the IB HRS Defenders Front, you can conclude yours,” added Gidion.

In addition, Gidion explained the four suspects, namely Muchammad Nawawi or Gus Nawawi (38), resident of Dusun Warungdowo Selatan, Pohjentrek, Pasuruan; Abdul Hakam (39), resident of Krajan Hamlet, Grati, Pasuruan; Moch Sirojuddin (37), resident of Krajan, Grati, Pasuruan and Samsul Hadi (40), resident of Rembang Hamlet, Grati, Pasuruan.

Gidion said that two suspects who were members of the FPI, namely Muchammad Nawawi, who was the deputy of the FPI Organization and Abdul Hakam, who was a member of HILMI or Hilal Merah Indonesia, who is a wing of the FPI organization. Meanwhile, the other two suspects are FPI sympathizers.

“If from their statement, yes, they are part of mass organizations,” he said.

Previously, the suspect, Nawawi, posted a threatening video on his YouTubenya Amazing Pasuruan. Later, the video was also shared by three other suspects through the WhatsApp group.

Meanwhile, from this case, the police obtained various evidence. From the suspect’s cell phone to video screenshots and evidence of video distribution through the WhatsApp group.

These four suspects caught UU RI No. 19 of 2016 on changes to the law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions Article 27 paragraph (4) Jo Article 45 paragraph (4) and / or Article 28 paragraph (2) Jo Article 45 paragraph (2) and Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1946.

Also see the video ‘The man who threatens to kill Mahfud Md is arrested, claiming that he is only following him’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(hil / iwd)
