Viral photo of FPI Laskar’s corpse Smiling, Marbut Masjid feels disadvantaged


Friday, December 11, 2020 – 23:15 WIB

Viral photo of FPI Laskar's body smiling, Marbut mosque feeling aggrieved -

Kapolres Kukar AKBP Irwan Masulin Ginting with victim witness Ahmad Mujahid when clarifying the hoax “The body of the paramilitary unit of the FPI has died” in the Kukar Police, Friday (Arumanto), SAMARINDA – The Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Police team revealed a case of deception related to the viral news photos related to the corpse of FPI Laskar Smiling at Death.

Kapolres Kukar AKBP Irwan Masulin Ginting emphasized that the photo was fake news.

He explained that the photo that became livable as the FPI laskar who died was a Kutai Kartanegara resident named Ahmad Mujahid (33) and is still alive.

“The beginning of the photo was released when Mujahid sent WhatsApp messages to his colleagues. Currently, we have designated Mujahid as victim witnesses,” AKBP Irwan told the media team in Kukar on Friday (11/12).

Irwan explained that on December 7, 2020, the photo was distributed to the group WA Lovers and Ulema Defenders.

A day later, on December 8, 2020, the photo went viral with the narrative of the corpse of FPI Laskar Smiling when he died.

According to Irwan, the viral photo was the result of Mujahid’s selfie on December 6, 2020.

At the time, Ahmad Mujahid was chatting on WhatsApp with someone named Tri.



