Check! Rp.2.4 million BLT UMKM is not liquid in your account, apparently these are 3 reasons


SET INDONESIA – The BLT UMKM of Rp2.4 million was not disbursed to the account, it turns out that these are 3 reasons.

BLT Banpres is one of the presidential grants budgeted for MSME actors.

BLT UMKM IDR 2.4 million is a form of government assistance to respond to COVID-19, especially in the economic sector.

Also read: e-KTP number not registered at This is how the disbursement of BLT UMKM funds of IDR 2.4 million is verified

Also read: Liquid December! This is a document that must be submitted for the disbursement of the BLT UMKM money of IDR 2.4 million

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Therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, as the government representative, is responsible for providing various forms of assistance.

The first stage ended and many did not obtain this aid because they had run out of beneficiary fees.

There are 12 million quotas for BLT beneficiaries from UMKM Productive Banpres, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) accepts 28 million registrants in the first stage.
