6 FPI soldiers were shot dead, this is the reason why Pangdam Jaya appears in Polda Metro: Okezone Megapolitan


JAKARTA – Kapendam Jaya’s Lt. Col. Arh Herwin emphasized that the presence of Pangdam Jaya, Major General Dudung Abdurachman, at Polda Metro Jaya’s press conference on the police shooting with the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) army was a form of law enforcement support. The shooting in Kerawang (Jakarta-Cikampek) KM 50 Toll killed 6 Laskar FPI.

“See and give full support to Polda Metro Jaya in the application of the law against the illicit actions carried out by elements of the FPI, who in their actions carry pointed weapons and illegal firearms while escorting and securing the MRS (Muhammad Rizieq Shihab “He said in a written statement, Tuesday (8/12/2020).

Herwin added that Pangdam Jaya’s presence was also to emphasize that they would continue to assist Polda Metro Jaya, in anticipation of an escalation of security and unrest in order in and around the DKI Jakarta area.

Also read: Photos of the repatriation of 6 bodies of FPI soldiers from the National Police Hospital

Kapendam Jaya’s statement follows the press release of the Central Executive for Human Rights and Public Policy of Muhammadiyah Busyro Muqoddas in Yogyakarta on December 8, 2020. Busyro stated that he “regrets the participation of Pangdam Jaya in the explanation process of the death of 6 FPI members by the Police, this reinforces the accusation TNI is also involved in the handling of criminal investigations, which means that TNI has left the main role and duties of TNI.

Regarding the press release at point 8, Kapendam Jaya believes that Busyro’s statement regarding the allegation that TNI was involved in handling the crime investigation is not true. According to him, the TNI, in this case the Jaya Military Command, have never been included or involved in the investigation process of civil crimes that occurred in society, since according to article 1 number 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Investigators They are the Indonesian Police Officers and certain public officials in accordance with the law.

In addition, the presence of Pangdam Jaya in Polda Metro Jaya, is in accordance with the Tupok of TNI as a state instrument in the defense sector that has duties that must be fulfilled, according to Law Number 34 of 2004 relative to TNI Article 7 (1), TNI’s main task is to enforce state sovereignty, maintaining the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945, as well as protecting the entire nation and all Indonesian blood of threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and the state.

Also read: FPI soldiers killed, family laws required true

And in accordance with article 7, paragraph 2, letter “b” number “10”, the main task of TNI is military operations in addition to war, that is, to assist the Indonesian National Police in the context of security and public order tasks regulated by law, he explained.

