Portrait of Dony, victim of mutilation in Bekasi during his life



The mutilation victim in Kalimalang, Kayuringin, South Bekasi, Bekasi City, Dony Saputra (24) is known to be a resident of Mulyasari Village RT 3 RW 7 Majenang District, Cilacap Regency. Neighbors know Dony as a smart and diligent young man.

Moment detikcom At the funeral home, Dony’s mother, Rusmini, appeared shocked to hear the information about her son’s death on Tuesday (8/12/2020). However, the family has yet to inform Rusmini that Dony’s body was found mutilated.

From the photos seen detikcom At the funeral home, a photo of Dony, who is the first of two brothers, is placed in a closet in the living room of the house.

Dony is seen taking a photo in a red and black batik shirt with the words Purna Widya Adhitama SMA Negeri 1 Majenang on May 20, 2013.

The village chief, Mulyasari Tohari, revealed that the family requested that Dony’s body be sent home to be buried in Majenang district, Cilacap.

“The family’s request to be buried in the Ciguling Cemetery, which is a family funeral,” Tohari told reporters in his office on Tuesday (8/12/2020).

Tohari also revealed that Dony had immigrated to Jakarta two years ago. According to family information, the last time Dony worked in a convenience store in Bekasi.

“Regarding the recognition of his mother, if you count from now, it was 110 days that he was at home for the last time. The last call was with his mother last Thursday,” said Tohari.

(sip / ams)
