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The alleged AD perpetrators allegedly visited the home of Mahfud MD on December 1, 2020, around 2:10 p.m. WIB. He climbed the door of the house where Mahfud MD’s mother Hj Siti Khotijah lived at Jalan Dirgahayu No 109, Pamekasan, East Java.
(Read: Police asked to hunt down the siege coordinator of Mahfud MD’s house)
AD is suspected of committing a criminal act of inciting other people to commit crimes, committing violence, thus causing a health emergency. AD allegedly shouted saying ‘Mahfud Out! If Habib Rizieq is suspected and arrested, burn down Mahfud’s house! And kill Mahfud !! ‘.
For his actions, AD is a suspect of article 160 of the Penal Code and / of article 335 paragraph (1) of the Penal Code threatens 6 years in prison.