UN launches cannabis from Group IV to Group I, BNN: Still Drugs Page all


KOMPAS.com – The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) decided to eliminate marijuana from Group IV of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 in Group I.

The decision was based on the results of the UN vote, with 27 results of agreement and 25 rejections (27/25).

These results do not mean that marijuana is removed from the drug list.

Based on the official CND statement, earlier in January 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) made a series of recommendations to change the scope of control of cannabis and substances related to marijuana.

Also read: The UN and the controversy over marijuana …

After intense deliberation, the CND commission made a decision on Wednesday (02/12/2020) on the WHO recommendation.

“It should be understood that the results of the CND vote do not remove marijuana from the classification of substances that may be abused,” said Dr. Hari Nugroho, MSc as a researcher and addiction expert for Mental Health Addiction and Neuroscience Jakarta at Kompas.com (12/4/2020).

In its official statement, the CND approved the WHO recommendation to remove cannabis and cannabis resin from group IV and keep it in group I.

The commission was decided by 27 votes in favor and 25 votes against this recommendation.

Therefore, marijuana and cannabis resins will be removed from Group IV (written Annex IV) and placed in Group I.

As such, cannabis use remains subject to all levels of control of the 1961 Single Convention.

“The CND session yesterday was to decide the WHO recommendations related to marijuana. One of the things approved by the CND was the release of cannabis and cannabis resin from program IV or group IV to class I”, Hari said.

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BNN response

In response to this decision, the head of the Office of Public Relations and Protocol of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Brigadier General Sulistyo Pudjo, said that marijuana is not removed from the list of dangerous drugs, but remains classified as a narcotic.

According to Pudjo, this is an important point and is prone to misinterpretation.

“It was not revoked, it was removed from Group IV, so it was not removed from dangerous drugs, it is still a drug,” Pdjo said when contacted. Kompas.com, Friday (12/4/2020).

Pudjo explained that this elimination was based on votes from various countries and until now it remains a debate about the pros and cons.

“That was the result of yesterday’s vote around the world that wanted to remove 27 countries from Group IV from the list of the most dangerous narcotics, while 25 countries were against it,” he continued.

However, Pudjo emphasized that he, as a BNN party, said there would be a lot of pharmaceutical production both in countries that wanted to exclude Group IV cannabis.

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Indonesia disagrees

Reflecting on the conditions in Indonesia, Pudjo said that Indonesia is one of the countries that does not agree to the elimination of cannabis from Group IV.

In addition to Indonesia, there are Singapore, Malaysia, China and several other countries that also do not agree with the elimination of cannabis.

“No matter marijuana, alcohol is also banned in Indonesia. But again, every country faces various problems,” said Pudjo.

Pudjo said that what worries him about this elimination, according to him, is that various pharmaceutical products produce drugs made with marijuana and enter the Indonesian market.

“Addressing the topic of the debate will be discussed and a more in-depth study carried out, because the effect will divide the countries in favor and against,” he said.

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