Viral tigers take a walk and hang out on the streets of West Sumatra, here’s the story



The video shows a tiger appearing, walking, then hanging out on a road in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) viral. This is the story.

Viewed detikcomOn Thursday (03/12/2020), the tiger was initially seen walking on the side of the road. The wild animal was then seen sitting on the side of the road near one of the cars that was stopped there.

The incident was said to have occurred in Jalan Raya Tanjung Nan Ampek, Danau Kembar District, Solok, West Sumatra. Twin Lakes District Chief Eka Putra said the tigers had appeared four times at two different locations in her area.

“It appeared in two different places. They saw each other four times,” Eka said.

Viral Tigers Appear and Hang Out Along the Road in West Sumatra (Special Doc)Viral tigers appear and hanging out along the road in West Sumatra (Photo: Special Document)

He said that the tiger first appeared in Jorong Lurah Ingu, Nagari Simpang Tanjuang Nan Ampek. The tiger also appeared in Jorong Rawang Gadang.

“It first appeared in (Jorong) Lurang Ingu. There were reports of prey from the pets of some residents. There were also poultry. Soon, we also received reports from residents of Rawang Gadang who saw the appearance of tigers pausing to the side. off the road, “Eka explained.

His party has coordinated with the local police and BKSDA. The tiger is led back to its habitat.

(summer / summer)
