3 Raffi Ahmad’s objection to the italicized comment on Dimas Ramadhan Page all


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – After Dimas Ramadhan’s name shot up because he was similar to him, it was known that famous host Raffi Ahmad had invited his meatball maker to stay temporarily at his home.

Raffi also invited Dimas to various television shows. Dimas has also joined Raffi Ahmad’s RANS Entertainment.

However, the existence of Dimas gave rise to many indirect comments.

Also Read: Called Similar Raffi Ahmad, Dimas Ramadhan Just Feels Different

Do not be silent, Raffi Ahmad also spoke dismissing these indirect comments.

The following is Raffi’s answer, which is summarized Kompas.com.

Denies seeking sensation with Dimas

Raffi Ahmad was upset to hear accusations that he was only seeking sensations by making Dimas Ramadhan his adoptive brother.

“Ah, it’s July, I’m already popular, I’m already rich, why are you looking for a sensation?” Raffi was quoted as saying by Kompas.com via YouTube channel TRANS7 OFFICIAL, on Tuesday (12/1/2020).

Also Read: Reveal All Gifts Of Raffi Ahmad, Dimas Ramadhan: If You Talk About Aa’s Goodness, It Will Not End

Nagita Slavina’s husband revealed his true hope for Dimas Ramadhan.

“There is no other intention, I want him to be a successful child, to help his parents,” Raffi added.

The former Dahsyat host even scolded Billy Syaputra for asking him this.

“Billy, don’t argue that you don’t like me, leave me,” Raffi said.

Also read: Room provided by Raffi Ahmad, Dimas Ramadhan chooses to sleep on the sofa, why?

Refusing to let Dimas sleep on the couch

Due to the busy schedule and often on the same stage, Dimas Ramadhan temporarily stayed at Raffi Ahmad’s residence.

Nagita Slavina’s husband also prepared a room for her. However, Dimas prefers to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

This turned out to cause negative comments from netizens.

Also read: Accused of seeking a sensation with Dimas Ramadhan, Raffi Ahmad: I am already rich, already popular

“Ah, that’s Julid, Dimas prefers on the couch, though I have prepared it room. But that’s where the Rans girls usually hang out. I know him then close with girls, “Raffi said.

His family protests that they do not like Dimas Ramadhan

“It is not true that my family does not like it. Because for me it is not only Dimas, who works at RANS as a brother,” said Raffi.

Raffi’s words were supported by Iis Dahlia.

Also read: The Tepis family does not like Dimas Ramadhan, this is the explanation of Raffi Ahmad

“Yes, Gigi (Nagita Slavina) looks very loved too, really,” said Iis Dahlia.

Raffi also spoke about the news that Dimas Ramadhan’s income reached hundreds of millions a week.

“You don’t need to know how much Dimas makes, just wait a year, he can buy a car, a house, just wait,” Raffi added.
