Habib Rizieq Shihab did not respond to the police summons to be questioned about the crowd case in Petamburan today. Polda Metro Jaya also prepared a second call for Habib Rizieq. How did the lawyer respond?
“God willing,” FPI Secretary General Aziz Yanuar told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday (12/1/2020).
Aziz Yanuar cannot confirm that Habib Rizieq will comply with the second call. Aziz Yanuar only explained that Habib Rizieq’s current condition still needs recovery.
“We have said before and thank God that researchers really understand the human and privacy side of Habib Rizieq to restore his health,” said Aziz.
Aziz added that Habib Rizieq’s condition is healthy. However, Habib Rizieq still needs to rest because he is still in the recovery stage.
“It means that he is healthy, but he is in a period of rest and for that they understand and understand,” he continued.
The police explanation regarding Habib Rizieq’s second citation is on the next page.