The 212 masses will protect if Rizieq fulfills Polda’s call


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Deputy Secretary General of the Brotherhood of Alumni PA 212, Bamukmin novel claimed that the mass of supporters of this movement planned to take to the streets if they were prominent Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab choose to comply with the call Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday (1/12) morning.

Novel said, supporters and supporters would accompany Rizieq’s investigation process.

“If HRS (Habib Rizieq Shihab) complies with the call of Polda Metro Haya, then it could happen that people overflow into the streets guarding the investigation,” Novel told, Monday (11/30).

That’s because Novel urged Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fadil Imran to cancel Rizieq Shihab’s summons. According to him, the Rizieq summons was only making it up because it actually created a new commotion in the midst of society.

“That only caused a commotion and in fact violated Prokes himself, because the Chief of Police really knew the consequences of the unjust summons,” Novel accused.

The atmosphere at the FPI headquarters in the Petamburan area, Jakarta, on Saturday, November 14, 2020. Hundreds of people began to arrive to attend the birthday event of Prophet Muhammad SAW, as well as the wedding of Rizieq's daughter. Shihab.  CNN Indonesia / Bisma SeptalismaAtmosphere at FPI headquarters in the Petamburan area, Jakarta, Saturday, November 14, 2020 (CNN Indonesia / Bisma Septalisma)

In addition, Novel asked the national police chief, General Idham Aziz, to remove the Jakarta police chief. Because according to him, the Chief Inspector General of Metro Jaya Regional Police Pol Fadil Imran would actually create a crowd because he allowed Rizieq’s summons.

“The Chief of the National Police must remove the Chief of Police of Jakarta because he has caused a crowd if the summons is forced,” Novel said.

Polda Metro Jaya summoned Rizieq Shihab to take a test on crowds in Tebet, South Jakarta, and Petamburan, Central Jakarta some time ago. The exam is scheduled to take place at the Polda Metro Jaya office on Tuesday (1/12).

Meanwhile, FPI Wasekum Aziz Yanuar said he did not know if Rizieq would comply with the subpoena from the Jakarta Metropolitan Police tomorrow or not. This is because it considers that the police who summoned Rizieq in connection with the incident have been categorized as alleged arbitrariness against the law.

(rzr / nma)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
