Situbondo Regent dies after 3 days of fight against COVID-19



Situbondo Regent H Dadang Wigiarto died after three days of fighting COVID-19. The Dadang regent was rushed to the Dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo Regional Hospital after having difficulty breathing and coughing, last Tuesday (11/24). At the hospital belonging to this area, the deceased was treated in the Wijaya Kusuma ward.

“He was treated for three days here. Then he died today, precisely at 4:31 p.m. WIB,” Situbondo Regency regional secretary H Saifullah told reporters at Dr. Abdoer Rahem Regional Hospital on Thursday (11/26/2020) .

During his treatment, the condition of the Dadang Regent, who tested positive for COVID-19, was quite stable on the first day. Meanwhile, on the second day, Wednesday (11/25), the condition of the deceased had decreased.

“By the Wednesday after sunrise or 0530 WIB, the deceased’s blood pressure had dropped 97/62. Even though he had hypertension,” Saifullah said.

However, the condition successfully normalized again. So, he continued, this morning he had a meeting between the family and the medical team. They agreed to refer to Dr. Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya, so that the handling would be more precise and faster.

How the next Situbondo Regent will be handled, along with the explanation.
