RIAU, KOMPAS.TV – The declaration of peace rejecting the arrival of Rizieq Shihab to Pekanbaru, Riau ended in chaos.
The FPI crowd did not accept Rizieq’s visit.
Also read: Researchers again invite Rizieq Shihab’s daughter and in-laws to clarify the reception events at the FPI headquarters
The declaration of rejection of Rizieq Shihab’s arrival in Pekanbaru on Monday (11/23) was chaotic.
The confusion arose when several members of the FPI arrived and did not accept Rizieq’s declaration of refusing to appear in front of the Riau governor’s office.
To avoid clashes, the two police groups tried to disperse the crowd from the FPI.
Before the chaos occurred, a number of mass organizations, BEM, made a statement against the arrival of Rizieq Shihab in various campuses and youth organizations in Pekanbaru.
Also Read: Remove Rizieq Shihab Billboards Against FPI, Pangdam Jaya: Who is he, what organization?
The statement was made to maintain the conducive environment that has been maintained in Riau.
Since the return of Rizieq Shihab and the crowds in various locations in Jakarta, demonstrations against Rizieq’s arrival have continued to occur in various areas.