JAKARTA, KOMPAS TV – Pangdam Jaya, Major General Dudung Abdurachman, stressed that he would arrest the person who returned to install the billboard for the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab.
This was broadcast by Pangdam Jaya at the Jayakarta Regional Military Command Headquarters in Cililitan, East Jakarta, on Monday (11/23/2020).
Dudung said that his party will cooperate with the police in taking this firm action regarding the installation of billboards.
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“It’s safe, later with the Regional Police Chief, we will arrest them,” Dudung said at Jayakarta Military Area Command Headquarters, Cililitan, East Jakarta, as quoted by Kompas.com on Monday (11/23 / 2020).
Dudung added that his party and the joint apparatus were not only focused on cracking down on the Rizieq Shihab cartels.
“We took down the cartels, not just FPI, not just Habib Rizieq. If the other cartels violate them, we will remove them,” he said.