Muhammadiyah Sindir Prokes Violators excuse religion


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

General President of the Central Directorate Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stressed that there are still many Indonesians who ignore him health protocol Prevention against coronavirus (COVID-19) that has been determined by the government.

In fact, Haedar continued, there are those who argue that they use religious reasons to violate the rules of the health protocol that are based on this science.

“In practice, our society is ignorant, some even deliberately ignoring health protocols for whatever reason. Even if it is ironic to use religious reasons, that’s right,” Haedar said at the online press conference of the 31st Tarjih Muhammadiyah National Conference. , on Monday (11/23).

“So the dating conditions are ‘ignorant’, they are not based on science and they are not based on an advanced and enlightening view of religious knowledge,” he added.

Haedar also singled out many parties that still did not believe in the spread of the Corona virus in the community. Worse still, the Corona virus is often echoed as a form of conspiracy.

It also highlights the community that does not comply with the various recommendations of health experts and epidemiologists to face and prevent the Corona virus.

“Even in the era of the pandemic, there are those who do not believe in this virus, even consider it paranoid and a kind of conspiracy. And they do not want to follow the advice of science, as the experts recommend,” Haedar said.

Seeing this, Haedar sees that the reality and life of today’s society do not fully reflect the advanced and enlightening conditions.

Haedar also mentioned that the current world situation is suffering damage because instruments are often carried out through extreme approaches, both by the state and society. In fact, he said, there are groups of people who are happy with these extreme conditions.

“If you want extreme methods, religious organizations like Muhammadiyah, we can do it if you take extreme method. But shake it up later. Do you want Muhammadiyah to adopt extreme method? Then we will not use this space, because it is not a problem. There are many mudarat.” said. Haedar.

Haedar explained that Muhammadiyah always offers moderate religious values ​​that are advanced and instructive. This has become the main agenda, although it cannot be done instantly.

“Despite the length of this trip, we don’t want to offer instant religion,” Haedar said.

(rzr / gil)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
